JAT delivers better aligned coverage at a reduced premium. JAT brings an independent viewpoint to our company and has been able to present a broader range of insurance options to us. In July 2004, we felt it was time to have an independent review of our key exposure areas and the adequacy of insurance coverages on those areas. JAT had experience in our industry and we felt they were best suited to perform that review. In the first year, JAT was able to negotiate, on our behalf, increases in key coverages at a reduced cost as well as eliminate duplicate coverages. In the second year, JAT was instrumental in conforming the excess layers of coverage with the primary layer and increasing our overall coverage at no significant increase in premium.
Princeton, NJ
The two largest reasons for working with JAT are reduced premiums and increased limits. In addition, JAT has allowed us to tighten language surrounding coverage situations. In marketing, a coverage broker typically selects a few carriers with whom they have a relationship. This leaves holes for potential carriers to be missed or a broker that may not have a strong relationship with the carrier. In utilizing JAT, we have been able to bring multiple brokers to bear at a particular coverage, which in turn strengthens our position. We have formed a strong relationship of trust with JAT base on work experiences and ethics; which is an invaluable asset.
New York, NY
I know my coverage is evaluated at least on a yearly basis. I appreciate their being up front and honest. JAT works hard at every renewal - not only the first year! I would recommend JAT to a friend or business partner.
Closter, NJ
Coming out of the box, JAT saved us over $100,000 on our GL renewal; and obtained significantly better coverage at the same time. In addition, JAT is available to clarify insurance issues for us, and is proactive in reviewing and in helping us manage reserves, and in marketing our account for the renewal. The biggest advantage provided by JAT is in adding full-time expertise to our management team without having to add a full-time salary. JAT brings access to a broader array of markets, and provides advice and analysis that is not influenced by being tied to a particular broker or carrier.
Nyack, NY