JAT brings an independent viewpoint to your company and has the ability to present a broader range of insurance options. 

JAT goes beyond just finding you an insurance policy, we help you obtain the broadest coverage available at the most market-sensitive premium.  We are your partner throughout the year, monitoring your coverage to ensure you receive maximum value for your insurance portfolio.


Insurance brokers work for the supplier, JAT works for you, bringing access to a broader array of markets, and providing advice and analysis that is not influenced by ties to a particular broker or carrier.

JAT takes the time needed to understand your unique risk profile and source high value protection on your behalf.

Our independence is our power, allowing you to receive the highest level of service and to receive appropriate, cost-effective coverage.  

As businesses face uncertainty in their insurance coverages, needs and costs, they contact JAT Consulting to assist in providing benchmarks and addressing exposures.

Every business needs to have their risk management addressed.  Most Fortune 500 companies have full time, in house risk personnel to manage theirs; others have engaged JAT to outsource theirs. 

The biggest advantage we have is an in depth knowledge of diverse businesses which enables us to tailor your insurance program based on your unique exposures; enabling you to get control of your insurance costs and coverages. 

We keep you competitive and best in class!

You cannot take a picture of your business and the insurance marketplace and believe that time will stop or changes will not be needed to both sides of the program.  The insurance marketplace, as well as your business, is constantly changing.